"A question a day keeps the stupidity away"

January 07, 2010

Veda #7 : Street Vendor a.k.a Pedagang Kaki Lima

Day 07
Question by : None - "Why Street Vendor in Indonesia called with Pedagang Kaki Lima (Five Feet Merchant)"

Street Vendor Lego Art by Sean Kenney

Note : Only in Indonesia :)
Simple question tonight, why actually street vendor in Indonesia called Pedagang Kaki Lima (or translated Five Feet Merchant)? Were they actually have 5 feet?it's impossible. Many people had their own joke and understanding about this name, the most popular one is because usually this merchant using a cart with 3 wheels to bring their goods, with those 3 wheels plus 2 of their feet, it makes them 5.

Other story said that this street vendors are illegal seller (not illegal according to their goods, but it's about how they put their "shop" in public places such as pedestarian, without proper consent), so they must prepare themselves to run fast if someday the police do screening at those public places.

But a story is just a story. Now i'm gonna reveal why they called Pedagang Kaki Lima. Well, not revealing actually, but at least this is the most logical explanation to this term.

Pedagang Kaki Lima, first introduced at us when Netherland was under Britain's administrative policy. At that time, General Governor of Netherland at Indonesia, Sir Thomas Raffles, instructed "left side traffic system" which means the automobile and anyone using the road must take left side of the road. He also announced about building a pedestarian walk at the outer left of the road, measured 31 cm in height, and 150 cm in width.

Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles

This 150 cm width equal to about Five Feet (remember, Netherland was under administrative policies of Britain, that's why tehy also use Europe measurement). By the time goes, merchants one by one start to sell their goods at the pedestarian. So that's why the merchants at that place called "Pedagang Kaki Lima" or "Five Feet Merchants"
This is so Indonesia...hohoho

Satisfied? :)


angsiaufang said...

oooh.. ic ic...

btw, ganteng yo stannie iku... ckckck

blu said...

oala....pertama tapikir itu masala kaki e rombong...satisfiedd :)

Novi Irawan said...

@pink : stannie ganteng??yang dibahas disini pedagang e...bukan stannie e...hahahah

@blue : aku pertama mikir soalnya kalo diobrak satpol, larinya kudu kenceng, makanya dibilang kaki lima