"A question a day keeps the stupidity away"

February 06, 2010

Veda #37 : Poisonous Vegetable (?)

Day 37
"Is it true that if we re-heat spinaches,it'll become poisonous?"

Some of you maybe ever heard a "fact" about spinach, that if spinach-based meal reheated, it'll become poisonous later. Although I've never been heard about death case because spinach poisoning, but did this really true?

Well,to answer this myth, first we need to know basic compositions from spinach. Actually,spinach consist more of fibres,vitamins,and minerals rather than protein,fat,and carb.
Consuming one small bowl of spinaches, could fulfill daily need of vitamin A and about 15% of daily vitamin C needed by your body.
Spinaches also consist of mineral such as kalium to help neutralize acid inside your body and cells.

Now we know that spinach consist more of vitamins and minerals, those that very sensitive to heat. So if we re-heat the spinaches, of course they'll left no vitamins and minerals again.
It's just like eating something that aren't have any good effects on our body.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


angsiaufang said...

hahaha.. viva bb n xl, that's first.

so? what's the explanation then? will i be getting poisoned after consuming reheated spinach? coz even local people as in real indonesian as in my buren says that.. :P

Novi Irawan said...

Hahaha viva bb n xl
Padahal kmrn malam sinyal e putus nyambunng lo...
Aku bolak balik disconnect ym dan berulangkali reset bb, hanya karena ga dapat sinyal gprs.
Sempet mikir..."Sekampung itukah sampe sinyal ae susah" hahaha

Penjelasan e?beracun sih ndak,cuma ya seperti yang dijelasin...
Vitamin dan mineral e udah rusak,ga ada fungsinya lagi...
Jadi karena rusak, kayak kamu makan suplemen yg udah kadaluarsa, mungkin akan menyebabkan "sedikit" efek samping kalo daya tahan tubuh lemah :p

oya,aku nulis ini jam 5 pagi lo...which mean disana jam 4 pagi...
Rajin ya udah bangun aku...
Sarapan bubur aaah...*batin e upang "ooo makan thok...KODOK" *

Emmy Chen said...

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

ck ck ck.. ada iklane..
ga bisa diilangin tah ini??

btw kalian lg dimana c upang n nopi..kok sampe ada beda jam? :D

dan ini info berguna juga,. soale aku suka heran kalo mbak ku masak jangan kunci kok ga pernah dipanasi lagi.. ternyata ini tohhhhhh.. even mbak ku ae tau.. hahaha sep sep!!