"A question a day keeps the stupidity away"

February 09, 2010

Veda #40 : More Than Words

Day 40
"Uniqueness in english language"

We've probably knew about interesting facts about english language. Let's take an example with "stewardesses",it's a longest word in english that can be typed with left hand only.
Or "typewriter", the english word that can be typed with only the letters from top row.

Now,with only 26 letters in alphabet, the combination to form words in english can be interesting. Here's some of them you might didn't know :
1. AEGILOPS, is the longest word with letters in alphabetical order. It means goat grass
2. QUEUING, is the word that has the longest run of vowels.
3. SWIMS, is the longest word with 180 degree symmetry.
4. STRESSED and DESSERTS, are the longest words that can be reversed.
5. ESOPHAGOGRAPHERS, is the longest word in which all letters appear twice.
6. STRENGHTS, is the longest word that only has one vowel.
7. DERMATOGLYPHICS, is the longest word without a repeating letter.
8. LACHSTRING, is the word with the longest run of consonants.
9. SCREECHED, is the longest word that could be read and pronounciated with one syllable.
10. HONORIFICABILITUDINITATIBUS, is the longest word that alternate consonants and vowels
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


angsiaufang said...


saya merasa seperti anak tk yg sedang belajar mengeja ketika melafalkan kata ini di kepalaku.. :"> hihihi..

Novi Irawan said...

Bayangan heri si pembuat pot a.k.a harry potter malah berkelebat kok pang kalo di aku :))

Koyok mantra gak seh?

Emmy Chen said...

aku sampe pronounce kata2nya nop hehehe...