"A question a day keeps the stupidity away"

February 07, 2010

Veda #38 : Feather Is Heavier Than Gold

Day 38
"If we measure 1 kg of feathers, and 1 kg of gold, which one is heavier?"

Simple and classic question, if we measure the same amounts of feathers and golds, or any other things, which one is heavier?.
Most of you probably answer it with confident that they are same in weight.
Now, think again.

It appears that there were another measuring equation to each items. Take it for example, 1kg of feathers compared with 1kg of solid gold,which one is heavier?
The answer is feathers.how so?
1kg of feathers are measured with "avoirdupois" metrics, where 1kilo of feathers equal with 907gram.
When 1kg of gold always measured with "troy" metrics, where 1kilo of gold is "only" 680 gram.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


Emmy Chen said...

errr..aku kok ga jelas yaa.. nti dijelasin langsung yaaaaaa!!
massa jenisnya emg gedean feather.. tp beratnya samaa ahh!