Question by : None - "Sleep Paralysis"

common sleep paralysis
Have you ever been on a sleep state between unconsious and awake, and you try to move your body, but you can't move. You try to speak or shout, but that didn't work either. Sometimes followed with strange hallucination, heavy breath, and others phobia. If you answered "yes" to most symptoms, yeah that's what we called "Sleep Paralysis" according to medical term, or our traditional Indonesian people would call it "Ketindihan" (-Stacked, in English) just because we would feel like being stacked by "something".
Surprisingly, many people in this whole world have their explanation about this thing, and it was all about their myths. let's take some example :
In Afro-America culture, this is called "The devil riding your back"
in Chinese beliefs, called "gui ya shen"
The Mexican believe it was a dead person's spirit stick to living person
and many more from Cambodia, Turk, Iceland, Japan, Thailand, Hungaria...they all believe that this sleep paralysis means there was/were a spirit(s) that sit on your chest and try to steal your living spirit.
Could this explained medically?
This condition often called "Sleep paralysis", and it could happen to everybody, both men and women. Most of the people have experienced this condition at least once or twice in their lives, mostly the first time occured at age between 14-17. Most of the cases just happened only for a few seconds or minutes, in the advanced case, sometimes the person would felt a hallucination, like seeing black shadow, or heard something around them. That's why many peoples said it was mystical.
The western would call this as "incubus nightmare", or else, based on what they would "see".
According to Al Cheyne, researcher from Waterloo University, sleep paralysis is a hallucination because there is a sleep-malfunction at the stage called REM (Rapid Eye Movement). As for information, our sleeping state could be divided into 4 stage :
Light Sleep ; Deep Sleep ; Very Deep Sleep ; and REM, where event we called as dream could happen (see the diagram below for explanation)

sleeping state
The Causes
Sleep paralysis often caused by narcolepsy (sudden sleep attack), sleep apnea (snoring), depression. If you ever felt like you had enough sleep, but sometimes without notice, you fell asleep, that's narcolepsy.
Lack of sleep also considered as the cause. Next, your sleep position could affect this Sleep Paralysis, it happened that people who slept with supine position (lying with face upwards, or simple word :Terlentang!) has more chances to caught sleep paralysis when they're too tired.
As for me, i've had this feeling once, and i thought i was dead, because in my case, i'm fully awake but i can't opened my eyes at all....Thank God i'm still living till now.
err.. so it has nothing to do with anything mystical?
have u ever sleep but suddenly ur body move?
mimpiny si kayak mo jatuh, tapi reaksiny nyata..
duh..ya apa ya deskrispsino e..
ngerti nda?
wah.. papaku iki tindihen almost everyday.. and always followed by writhing... *and ngomel2 lek gak dibanguni* katae pegel... kwkwkwkw
tp mnrtku kadang ada spiritualnya ya nop..
karena ada org pintar yg pernah liat, dan begitulah... said that you're actually being choked or smthg like that... :p
kalo medic yg aku tau.. katanya karena peredaran darah kurang lancar, jd sirkulasi ke otaknya kurang lancar.. dan ini terjadi.. hehe
"i thought i was dead, because in my case, i'm fully awake but i can't opened my eyes at all....Thank God i'm still living till now." ----> DANG!
@pink :
"i thought i was dead, because in my case, i'm fully awake but i can't opened my eyes at all....Thank God i'm still living till now." ----> DANG!
heh anak muda...tolong tata krama dipake...:))))
@ emmy : tergantung lah em...kadang yang ga keliatan belum tentu ga ada :)
@blue :
tau...apa ya bahasa inggris/indonesia ne..kalo bahasa banjarnya "Meigau"
sensasinya kadang bisa sampe jatuh dari ranjang...haha
ohh kyke aku ngerti maksude c ailen.. kyk mimpi jatuh trus pas kebangun smpet shake 1x.. hahahaha :D
I really don't believe what Medical science has to say about sleep paralysis . Our so called scientists & doctors act as if they know everything & has all the answers to all mysteries or unexplained events , but actually they don't have all the answers . All they have are theories and more theories . Yes science is still in its infancy .
Science today is assuming that the shape of the universe could be egg shaped and is ever expanding.
The same thing is mentioned in ancient indian religious scriptures like Puranas and Vedas thousands of years ago , when science was not even born .
Ancient sumerian scriptures mentions planets like Neptune and Uranus in our solar system thousands of years ago , way before they were dicovered by our astronomers .
Speaking of sleep paralysis , i rely more on religious texts ,
than some crackpot theories made up by our so called quack nutjob scientists & doctors . I mean people are still dying from cancer and AIDS and even in this 21st century they couldn't come up with a 100% cure and here they are preaching us their theories on matters which they have no idea about .
Ancient indian texts like Upanishads clearly mentions that sleep paralysis are actually the results of evil spirits .
Now one can always laugh this off . Its because their 5 senses cannot percieve things that lies beyond their limited range of perception & so just bcoz they can't percieve them , they think it doesn't exist . But that's not the case .
Our science says that our eyes cannot percieve many light rays including x-ray , infrared , ultraviolet etc. and objects that emit or reflect such light rays will be invisible to our naked eyes . This is why people who research on supernatural things uses a night vision camera with infrared , so ghosts can be captured on film .
Religions all over the world spoke of life after death .
And if u try to deny it , you are just running away from the truth .
I have experienced sleep paralysis countless times . Each one was different than the previous one .
In one of the S.P. experiences i actually felt my bed shaking where my feet was , as if someone crawling up on my bed slowly , and then all of a sudden this heavy force rode on my chest . But the momment i started chanting God's name it all stopped . I'm from India and everytime i pray to Lord Krishna it goes away . Let me tell you , i don't do drugs , alcohol or any kind of medication that would cause all this . My life has no stress or work pressure either .
I even hear whispers in my ear , especially of a female voice while i'm lying on bed with my eyes wide open . Now all such things can't be the result of my imagination right ?! Ghosts are real . Just deal with it .
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