Question by : Me - "Why do other people hear our voices differently than we do?"

We have probably all had this experience or feeling. We listen to our own voices through tape recorder or through voice notes, and we insist that the voices on the tape doesn't sound at all like our voice, but other people's voice sound reasonably accurate.
Why did this happens?
Speech begins at the larynx, where the vibration emanates. Part of the vibration is conducted through the air, which it was what your friends (and those recorder) hear when you speak. another part of the vibration is directed through the fluids and solids of our heads. Our inner and middle ears are parts of cavern hollowed out by bone, the hardest bone of the skull. The inner ear contain fluids, the middle ear contains air, and the two press against each other. The larynx is also surrounded by soft tissue full of liquids. Sounds transmits differently throught the air than through the solid and liquids. That's why when we hear our own voice through recorder, we could hear all tonal differences.
When we speak, we are not hearing our voices through the ears, but also through internal hearing, the voice sounded inside our head, literally. And our brain said that the voices that we heard over the recorder is recognized but sounded like a pale imitation.
bisa juga dari jaringan otak, daun telinga kita yang bentuknya tiap orang beda, jadi tangkepannya juga beda.. ya nggak ya nggak? :D
hahahaha.. mesem2 kenek komene emmy.. lha lek iya gt lak semua orang mendengar nada yang pasti berbeda in all forms em... lolol
love this. thanks for sharing. you have an interesting blog = )
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