Question by : - "Why do i have to pee more often when it's cold outside?"

Why did this always happen on the cold day?
Here's the explanation
When the weather is hot,our body system tries to keep our body cool by evaporating the water along with unwanted things through the skin in the form of SWEAT. Think of it this way: sweat contains urea, water and mineral salt, whilst urine contains the same thing as they both are related to the excretory system in our body.
So, during hotter/warmer weather and at high temperatures we tend to urinate less cause we are already sweating most of everything out. Skin helps the kidney by sharing its work of cleaning the body in hot weather conditions. In cold conditions,there is no perspiration, as the skin does produce sweat and the kidney has to bear the entire burden and hence we urinate frequently. This is the main reason for this condition.
Fact for you today : Females typically feel a need to urinate more than males because of their (usually) smaller bladders.
answered my question my most of female more often go to the toilet...
how about you?how many times do you go to toilet today? (ga usah dijawab...)
Fact for you today : Females typically feel a need to urinate more than males because of their (usually) smaller bladders.
answered my question my most of female more often go to the toilet...
how about you?how many times do you go to toilet today? (ga usah dijawab...)
. . . . nop, km mbolos tah pas pelajaran iki?
for god sake.. ngene ae digoogle??????
ooooo D U M B ! >:p
masio wes dijelasin di sekolah,
paling ndak aku baru tau hal ini...hahaha
memintarkan diri sendiri sekali2... :p
disini ademmmmmmmmm....
yaaa...ak pee bolak balik :p
aku dulu pernah liat iklan kloset wc, yg katanya wanita pee 12x sehari.. inget ga iklan itu? itu loh, kloset toto mgkn, yg dia pertama kali mengenalkan flush utk pee..yg airnya cuma dikit..
wkt itu aku sampe mikir.. masa wanita 12x pee.. ga sgitunya laaaaaa...
paling cuma... hmm... 5-6x? :D
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