"A question a day keeps the stupidity away"

March 14, 2010

Veda #72 : Brainfreeze

Day 72
"What caused a headache whenever we ate cold or frozen food like ice cream?"
One minute you're enjoying your favorite frozen beverage or ice cream cone, and the next minute you're experiencing a headache which seems to originate from the middle of your skull. This is the dreaded phenomenon known as "brain freeze," or ice cream headache. Some experts suggest that up to 1/3 of the population is susceptible to brain freeze, especially when eating a frozen treat too quickly on a warm day. The pain of brain freeze is similar to that of a migraine headache. Why did this occur?

Dr. Robert Smith, founder of the Cincinnati Headache Center at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, experimented with crushed ice applied to different parts of his mouth to see what set off the pains. The culprit, his research indicates, is at the back of the palate, from which a mass of nerves called the sphenopalatine ganglion stretches into the head. The nerves control the dilation and contraction of blood vessels, and dilated blood vessels in the head are known to cause several kinds of headaches.

So what actually causes brain freeze? Researchers suggest it is a combination of your body's overreaction to cold stimuli, freezing of a cluster of nerves above the palate and a sudden influx of warm blood to the brain. It was the initial contact between the cold food and the roof of your mouth which set all of this brain freeze activity in motion. Other researchers have suggested that this is because in hot weather, a person tends to gulp cold drinks or wolf down lemonade so that the cold stuff is more likely to hit the palate hard. The result for you is a pounding headache which seems to radiate from the sinus area or behind your eyes. The pain is not necessarily triggered by the dilation of the blood vessels, but by the influx of warm blood which forces the vessels open again.
(n.b: now you know why i always close and massage my eyes when this event occured, pang. hwahaha)

Ways to avoid the brainfreeze might be to let the ice cream warm up in the front of the mouth before swallowing or to swallow it in such a way that it does not linger on the palate.
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Veda #71 : SOS, Mayday

Day 71
"What is SOS and Mayday?why it's being used for asking help?"

Do you think that SOS, the distress signal used on ships all over the world, stands for “Save Our Souls”? and do you think that Mayday has something to do with May as in month?and how did it ended as a sign of requesting help?

Actually, it doesn’t stand for anything. In the kind of telegraph code used to transmit messages to and from ships, the letter S is three dots, and the letter 0 is three dashes (. . . - - - . . .). So in 1908, SOS was chosen as the distress signal because it is easy to send and recognize.
The distress signal for ship radios is “Mayday.” This word probably came from a French phrase, m’aidez, which is pronounced something like mayday and means “help me.” Read More

March 12, 2010

Veda #70 : Toothbrush Vs OJ

Day 70
"Why does orange juice taste odd after toothbrushing?"

For you who enjoying a glass of OJ in the morning, please consider this. If you ever feel odd drinking OJ in the morning after you've brushed your teeth, now you can see the explanation. Oh yeah, for you who enjoyed the sweet tea in the morning, could feel the same.

To work out what’s going on we need to know about toothpaste, orange juice and how your taste buds work. Your tongue has four areas that are sensitive to sweet, sour, bitter and salt. The sweet part is right at the front of your tongue.

Toothpaste usually creates a lot of foam in your mouth and this can temporarily affect your sweet taste buds. Look at the label on your toothpaste to see if it has an ingredient called Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS). This is a detergent and it’s found in 99% of all toothpastes. It doesn’t really do anything useful, but just creates a lot of foam that makes you feel like your teeth are getting nice and clean.

Because your sweet sensors are not working so well you mainly taste the bitter taste of the citric acid found in orange juice. The sugar sweet taste is not there.
The same also happen on the other sweet drink.
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March 10, 2010

Veda #69 : Flag of Indonesia VS Monaco

Day 69
"What is the difference between Indonesia's flag and Monaco's flag?"

What is the similarities of Indonesia, Monaco, Poland, and Singapore?
The answer is simple, they all use the same color configuration on their national flag.
What is the difference then?
Poland's flag is very similar to Indonesia, only upside down.
Singapore's flag is red at top and white at bottom, but they added crescent moon and 5 stars.
Monaco's flag is exactly look alike Indonesia's flag. Where's the difference then?

The answer is located on their proportions.
Indonesia's official flag measurement is 2,5:1,5. Common measurement used by other nation flags around the world.
Monaco's official flag measurement is "only" 2:1,5.
that's it. now you know. Read More

Veda #68 : Siamese Twin

Day 68
"What is Siamese twin?and why did they called Siamese twin?"

Siamese twins are twins whose bodies are joined together at birth. Sometimes they are joined only by the skin and can be easily separated. But other times, they share a vital organ, and then they must spend their entire lives joined together. Why did they named Siamese Twin?or in Indonesia, they called Kembar Siam?

Siamese twins can be born anywhere. They are called Siamese twins because the first pair that came to the attention of Americans was born in 1811, in Siam, the country that is now called Thailand.
The twins, named Chang and Eng Bunker, who were joined at the chest, later came to the United States and worked with a circus. Then they both married American women, sisters, and each ran his own farm!
Chang and Eng spent half the week at one farm with one wife, and half the week at the other farm with the other wife. Between them, they produced 22 children.
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Veda #67 : Hot and Spicy

Day 67
"If we eat hot and spicy food, why should we drink warm water to neutralize it?"

Have you eat spicy food, with chilli, and after that meal, you feel your tongue was hot and feel like being pinched? that's the effect of the spices and chilli. And then we feel it's best to drink cold water to ease the hotness. But did you know that to reduce the hotness in our mouth, it's best to drink hot or warm water?

So, the chilli contain a compound called Capsain, that produce hot effect to our tongue's receptor nerve. Whenever we try to relieve it by drinking ice cold water, the cool sensation that received by tongue send an information to our brain, and the brain inform the body especially tongue to "fight back" the cold effect by produce heat. that'll only makes us feel hotter.

So, we better drink warm water, because when we drink it, the tongue send an information about heat and reducing the hotness effect of the chilli. Let's say in simple way, by drinking warm water, we try to trick our brain to feel the hotness of water than the chilli that have a long effect of hotness. So the hot feeling will decrease faster.

But, if you prefer more tasty way, you could drink milk or yoghurt to relieve it, because the milk and yoghurt had a compound named Casein, this will neutralize the effect of Capsain.
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Veda #66 : Silencer

Day 66
"Why does gun silencer could supress the sound of the gun?"

Too much police drama, and too much watching suspense film. Usually the bad guy or the assassins using the silencer for the gun, to kill their victim silently. how does the barrel in front of the gun could reduce the sound of the projectile?

Imagine a balloon. If you pop a balloon with a pin, it will make a loud noise. But if you were to untie the end of the balloon and let the air out slowly, you could pop it making very little noise. That is the basic idea behind a gun silencer.
To fire a bullet from a gun, gunpowder is ignited behind the bullet. The gunpowder creates a high-pressure pulse of hot gas. The pressure of the gas forces the bullet down the barrel of the gun. When the bullet exits the end of the barrel, it is like uncorking a bottle. With the pressure abround 3000 psi, it could produce loud POP.

Now let's add the silencer. A silencer screws on to the end of the barrel and has a huge volume compared to the barrel (thats why you usually see the silencer is always bigger than the gun's barrel). With the silencer in place, the pressurized gas behind the bullet has a big space to expand into. So the pressure of the hot gas reduced greatly. When the bullet finally exits through the hole in the silencer, the pressure being uncorked is much lower, around 60 psi. Therefore, the sound of the gun firing is much softer.
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March 06, 2010

Veda #65 : Body's Clock

Day 65
"My body clock"

Tonight isn't about facts or something like that, it's just a quick info for you. If you ever wondered why in the morning you ought to pee, or had a stomachace. Or if you know that if we on diet, we shouldn't eat after 6PM. Why is so?
Because apparently, our body have its own "clock"

Each body part have its own clock, according to The Traditional Chinese Medicine there are 12 main organs inside our ody that take care the entire of our inside circulation system. They are Lungs, Large intestine, Gastric, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Heater, Gall Bladder, and Liver.

Here are each of the body parts clock :
- Paru-paru (Lungs) : Peak performance on 03.00AM-05.00AM.
- Usus besar (Large intestine) bekerja : Peak performance on 05.00AM-07.00AM.
- Lambung (Gastric) : Peak performance on 07.00AM-09.00AM.
- Limpa (Spleen) : Peak performance on 09.00AM-11.00AM.
- Jantung (Heart) : Peak performance on 11.00AM-01.00PM.
- Usus kecil (Small intestine) : Peak performance on 01.00PM-03.00PM.
- Kantung kemih (Bladder) : Peak performance on 03.00PM-05.00PM.
- Ginjal (Kidney) : Peak performance on 05.00PM-07.00PM.
- Selaput jantung (Pericardium) : Peak performance on 07.00PM-09.00PM.
- Tiga pemanas (Heater) : Peak performance on 09.00PM-11.00PM.
- Kandung empedu (Gall bladder) : Peak performance on 11.00PM-01.00AM.
- Hati (Liver) : Peak performance on 01.00AM-03.00AM.
Each organ's clock are on peak performance and reach the lowest performance exactly 12 hours after that.
Based on those body clock, no wonder when we wake up in the morning we often feel a stomachache, or feel a sudden urge to pee in the early morning.
About the diet, let's see the large intestine's clock, it reached its peak performance at 5AM to 7 AM, and reach the lowest performance at 5-7 in the evening, so that's why we shouldn't eat too much in the evening, because the intestine isn't working properly, it'll only cause obese.
So does about breakfast, the Gastric's clock reached the best performance on 7-9 in the morning, that's why we should have breakfast by then.

So, have you take care of your body well?
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March 05, 2010

Veda #64 : Hitler's assassination attempts

Day 64
"How many times does Hitler passed his assassination attempts?"
If we talk about World War, we can't left the axis and allies side. And when we talked about Axis, we can't left Germany with its Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. The German supreme leader at that time. Adolf Hitler, born 20 April 1889 was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party commonly known as the Nazi Party. He was the totalitarian leader of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Twelve years of his rules, he was the most "hated" man, being assasinated many times, but all of them were failed. how many assassination attempt did he passed?

He has passed 42 assassination attempts, including suicide bombers, shooting him, blowing him up, crashing his plane, making it look accidental and many more. His most Famous assisnation attempt would be of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg with Operation Valkyrie on July 20th 1944 plot to kill Hitler failed when his bomb blew up. Colonel Claus Schenk Graf Von Stauffenberg who was responsible of carrying out both the assassination attempt and the Valkyrie Operations which did not succeed. He was executed among other senior officers for treason.

Out of 42 assassination attempts, there were seventeen attempts that were plotted against him, the rest are merely just "taking chances". Here's the list of Hitler's well-known plotted assassination attempt :
On November 8, 1939, George Elser, a swiss clock maker who had worked in Germany for several years and bitterly resented the Nazi stranglehold on labour unions, decided to kill Hitler by placing a time bomb in one of the columns behind the podium where Hitler was to give a speech in the Burgerbrau Beer Celler. Set to detonate at preciesly 9.20pm on Wednesday, Nov. 8. At 8.10 Hitler enters the beer hall but at 9.12pm he suddenly ends his speech and departs. Eight minutes later the bomb explodes killing eight people and wounding sixty-five. Elser is later arrested and confined to the concentration camp at Sachsenhousen for six and a half years. Two weeks before the war ended in Europe, Elser was executed by the SS.

On March 11, 1944, Cavalry Captain Eberhard von Breitenbuch attended a conference at Hitler’s villa the ‘Berghof’ on the Obersalzberg. Concealed on his person was a small Browning pistol with which he intended to shoot his Fuhrer and at the same time was willing to sacrifice his own life in the attempt. He felt that the war was now at such a stage that the complete destruction of Germany was inevitable and that Hitler had to be stopped. Breitenbuch enters the conference room behind Field Marshal Ernst Busch, who suspects nothing, but as he approaches the door he is stopped by the Duty Sergeant who explains "Sorry, no adjutants beyond this point, Führers orders". So yet another attempt fails.

In February, 1944, Infantry Captain Axel von dem Bussche agrees to blow up Hitler and himself while he demonstrates a new army winter overcoat to the German leader. Fate intervenes the day before when during a British air raid the uniforms were destroyed and Bussche was returned to duty at the front. A few weeks later another ‘overcoat’ attempt was made. This time the volunteer model was Ewald Heinrich von Kleist, son of one of the original conspitators and included Major General Helmuth Stieff. Again the RAF saved the day with an air-raid just before the demonstration was about to take place forcing its cancellation.

On July 11, 1944, Staff Officer Lt. Colonel Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, convinced that he and he alone could assassinate Hitler, attended another conference at the Berghof. Concealed inside his briefcase was a time bomb. Waiting outside in a gateaway car was his co-conspirator, Captain Friedrich Klausing. Inside the Berghof, Stauffenberg telephones his colleagues in Berlin to tell them that neither Goering nor Himmler are present. They insist that the attempt be aborted. Stauffenberg then returnes to Berlin to plan his next assassination attempt.

Stauffenberg’s second attempt occurs at Hitler’s Wolf’s Lair headquarters in East Prussia. On July 15, 1944, he attends a Fuhrers briefing and observes with dismay that Himmler is again absent. The attempt was once again aborted.

This is what we know now as Operation Valkyrie. Thirty six year-old Stauffenberg’s final attempt occured on July 20, 1944. Four days earlier, the attempt was decided upon during a meeting at his residence at No. 8 Tristanstrasse, Wansee. Himmler or no Himmler, the attempt must go ahead, come what may. At 12.00pm Stauffenberg and General Fromm report to Field Marshal Keitel’s office for a briefing before entering the conference room. At 12.37pm, Stauffenberg pushes his briefcase containing the bomb, under the map table, then leaves the room on the pretext of making a telephone call. The officer who took his place noticed the briefcase and with his foot pushed it further under the table. At 12.42pm, the bomb explodes. By this time Stauffenberg is on his way back to Berlin. At 6.28pm a radio broadcast from Wolf’s Lair reports that Hitler is alive but only slightly wounded. Later that night, at 12.30am, Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators, Haeften, Olbricht and Mertz, are arrested and executed by firing squad in the inner courtyard of the Bendlerstrasse Headquarters.

1. Adolf Hitler
2. General Heusinger
3. Luftwaffe General Korten (Died of wounds)
4. Colonel Brandt (Died of wounds)
5. Luftwaffe General Bodenschatz (Severely wounded)
6. General Schnunt (Died of wounds)
7. Lt.Colonel Borgman (Severely wounded)
8. Rear Admiral Von Puttkamer
9. Stenographer Berger (Killed on the spot)
10. Naval Captain Assmann
11. General Scherff
12. General Buhle 1
13. Rear Admiral Voss
14. SS Group Leader Fegelein
15. Colonel Von Bellow
16. SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Gunsche
17. Stenographer Hagen
18. Lt.Colonel Von John (Adjutant to Keitel)
19. Major Buchs (Adjutant to Jodl)
20. Lt.Colonel Weizenegger
21. Min.Counsellor Von Sonnleithner
22. General Warlimont (Concussion)
23. General Jodl (Lightly wounded)
24. Field Marshal Keitel

This is probably the closest chance the got to put the bomb near the Fuhrer. However, this plan also failed, Hitler was merely wounded because the bomb was put under the strong oak table that supress the explosive effect.
Another attempt to assassinate Hitler was planned for July 27, 1943, in Paris, where Count Fritz-Dietlof von der Schulenberg planned to shoot Hitler from the reviewing stand during a military parade in Hitler’s honour. Hitler however secretly visited Paris in the early hours of July 23, visiting all the city’s famed buildings. He began his tour at 6am and by 9am he ended his tour and departed the city. A few days later Schulenberg recieved word that his hoped for July 27 military parade had been cancelled.

Despite Schulenberg’s failure to lure Hitler to Paris for the special parade, Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben had plans of his own to assassinate Hitler. In May, 1941, he attemped to lure Hitler to Paris under a similar pretext. The visit was scheduled for May 21st but was abruptly called off at the last minute.

In 1939, prior to the outbreak of WWII, German General Kurt von Hammerstein repeatedly attempted to lure Hitler into visiting the Army’s fortifications along the Seigfried Line near the Dutch border where he commanded a base. Hammerstein and his co-conspirator, retired General Ludwig Beck, had planned a ‘fatal accident’ to Hitler during his inspection of the base. Hitler however, never honoured the invitation, instead he turned the tables on Hammerstein by placing him on the retired list.

Another plot to assassinate Hitler was hatched at Army Group B Headquarters at Walki near Poltava in the Ukraine. This time the conspirators were General Hubert Lanz, his Chief of Staff, Major-General Dr. Hans Speidel and Colonel Count von Strachwitz, the commanding officer of the Grossdeutschland Tank Regiment. The plan was to arrest Hitler on his anticipated visit to Army Group B in the spring of 1943. Hitler, at the last minute, changed his mind and instead decided to visit his forces fighting in Saporoshe further east.

On March 13, 1943, three attempts were planned on Hitler’s life. Field Marshal Guenther von Kluge, commander of Army Group Center on the eastern front, finally managed to lure Hitler into visiting his headquarters at Smolensk. However a number of officers on Kluge’s staff had other thoughts, to assassinate Hitler. Colonel Henning von Tresckow, who hated Hitler and the Nazis, together with Lt. Fabian von Schlabrendorff, Colonel Rudolf von Gersdorff and Cavalry Captain Georg von Boeslager, had hatched a plan to get rid of the Fuhrer.
Plan 1
Captain von Boeslager and his company was to serve as armed escort to Hitler’s motorcade. During the drive from the airfield the Fuhrer’s car was to be gunned down in an ambush. The attempt was aborted when Hitler arrived with his own armen escort of 50 SS guards.
Plan 2
The second attempt was to take place during lunchtime in the mess hall. At a given signal, Tresckow was to rise from the table and open fire on Hitler as he ate lunch, but the sight of so many SS close to Hitler arouses fear of failure and so once again the attempt was aborted.
Plan 3
As Hitler leaves by plane for Berlin, Tresckow instructs Schlabrendorff to hand over a package to Colonel Heinz Brandt who is flying back with Hitler. The package, containing two bottles of brandy, is a gift for Major-General Helmuth Stieff in Berlin. Concealed in the package is a time bomb but it failed to explode owing to the high altitude cold air freezing the acid in the detonator. When news of Hitler’s safe arrival reached the plotters, Schlabrendorf immediately flew to Berlin and retrieved the package, replacing it with two genuine bottles.

He is sure hard to kill. But there is only one successful attempt to kill Hitler. When Soviet union press Germany to defeat, he killed himself rather than surrendering. He was die, shoot himself with Walther PPK, the handgun, while his mouth biting cyanide.
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Veda #63 : Novi Menjawab

Oke, pertama2 saya mengaku salah kalo kemaren lupa posting...bukan lupa, lebih tepatnya ga sempet karena plang kemalaman diatas jam 12 dan badan sudah tidak mau diajak kerjasama untuk duduk di kursi dan mencari masalah.

Jadi, sebagai gantinya, diputuskanlah posting kali ini untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang sebetulnya ga membutuhkan rasio dan pembahasan mendalam...semuanya akan saya bahas...setajam Siliet!

Pertanyaan dari : Emmy (kayak e)
"mengapa GSM ada radiasinya.. CDMA ga ada? i mean pas lg telpon kalo di deket speaker, pasti bunyi radiasi GSM tret ret ret ribut banget, tp CDMA ga gitu ya?"
untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini sebenarnya cukup simple : 2-2nya ada radiasinya, cuma karena CDMA jangkauan nya lebih kecil daripada GSM, makanya sinyal radiasi yang dipancarkan dibawah GSM. Tapi pada hakekatnya, sama aja radiasinya.

Pertanyaan dari : Ce Sopi (kayak e lagi)
"wih sih...nganggur eeee...hahaha..tapi...seems quite fun...:D"
tanggapan : Percayalah...ga se fun yang dibayangkan apalagi kalo kehabisan bahan pembahasan...hahaha

Pertanyaan dari : Emmy (kayak e, diliat dari bahasa yang digunakan)
"ok this is a bit..icky.. napa kalo kita pipis sering.. merinding.. bbrrr... gitu? got what i mean? :D"
tanggapan : pertama-tama, periksa dan yakinkan dirimu tidak menginjak es batu Em...atau mungkin kamu nyalain AC di dalam WC?bisa jadi kamu kedinginan lo..
anyway, jawabannya adalah, ketika kita pipis, kita mengeluarkan panas tubuh, sehingga suhu tubuh menurun, membuat kita merinding. as simple as that

Pertanyaan dari : Aileen
"what is the tallest building in the earth? :)"
jawabannya : Burj Khalifa di Dubai...tingginya 828m, memiliki 162 lantai.

Pertanyaan dari : Emmy (lagi2 Emmy)
"nop.aku lg males google..jd tny km aja.. mau tau donk.. adat married bule tuh gimana ya? prosesinya apa aja? kok ada kyk after party, buka stocking, wedding first dance..dll itu apa ajaa?? hehehe thx :D"
tanggapan : kamu aja males, apalagi saya!
belom nemu sih em...kapan2 deh... :p

Pertanyaan dari : Ga tau, ga jelas
"what are the character of cinderllea by charles perrault"
tanggapan : ga tau, charles ga bilang apa2 tuh ke aku... (ini aku ga tau maksud pertanyaannya...maaf...skip ya)

Pertanyaan dari : Emmy kayak e...ini anak penasarannya tinggi
"find out why.. kita slalu thumbs up kalo ada sumthin great happened.. dan knapa slalu jari tengah kluar kalo kita maki2 orang :D"
tanggapan : thumbs up itu universal language untuk "good".karena jari jempol seolah2 adalah jari yang paling besar (utama) yang menunjuk ke arah atas, yang artinya kira2 meningkat (=yang artinya bagus). kalo jari tengah keluar saat maki2 (dan biasanya diikuti dengan kata "f*ck") ya soalnya konfigurasi jari tengah dan tangan kita akan menyerupai male genital. fyi, jaman dulu FUCK itu adalah singkatan dari Fornication Under Consent Of King (jadi saat jaman dulu, mau bersetubuh aja harus ada ijin dari raja...begetooo)

Pertanyaan dari : Juwet (mengingat tingkat kejorokan masalah yang ditanyakan)
"WHY... kentut yg ga bunyi kbanyakan lebih bau???? - not so important question- hahaha"
tanggapan : hanya terjadi pada orang2 tertentu aja kok...pertanyaannya bikin ilfeel...tapi gapapa...demi memuaskan rasa ingin tahu, berikut penjelasannya
Secara umum...kentut yang berbau busuk mengandung hidrogen sulfida dan merkaptan yang dihasilkan dari pembusukan oleh bakteri-bakteri yang ada dalam saluran pencernaan kita. Makanan seperti telur dan daging akan menyebabkan pembusukan yang terjadi akan menghasilkan gas dengan ukuran gelembung yang lebih kecil , namun dengan kadar hidrogen sulfida dan merkaptan yang lebih banyak. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan kentut yang tidak bersuara (suaranya lebih kecil) relatif akan berbau lebih busuk. Ini kemudian menjadi kentut, biar cuma kecil volumenya, tapi SBD (Silent But Deadly).

sekian pertanyaan yang belom sempet dibahas...semoga kalian tidak jera dengan penjelasan saya..hahaha

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March 03, 2010

Veda #62 : Barber's Pole

Day 62
"Why barbershop use a red and white stripped pole outside their booth?"

Earlier, i went to mall to bought some electrical and lighting equipments for my office. My eyes catch one funny pole outside one of the mall's tenant, a barbershop. They had a pole with white and red stripes outside their booth. And if i remembered it correctly, most of classical barbershop using this kind of pole. What is that?

Long, long ago, barbers did much more than cut people’s hair. Barbers performed some minor operations on people, especially blood-letting, or bleeding. This was believed to be a cure for some illnesses in which the “bad blood” was supposed to leave the body. To perform the operations, barbers had their patients hold onto a pole standing in the shop. Then the patient’s blood was “let.” When the pole was not being used by a patient, it stood in the barber’s doorway with bandages wrapped around it. This was an advertisement that the barber was a good “bleeder.”

When people realized that it was unsanitary to use a pole that stood in a doorway, barbers painted red stripes around the poles as a continuing advertisement. The red stripes were to remind the customers of blood-soaked bandages.
Red and white striped barber poles became so identified with barbers that the custom of having a pole outside a barber shop continues today. While in America, they use red, white, and blue, to resemble their flag.
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March 02, 2010

veda #61 : Weird, Cow Can't Walk Downstairs

Day 61
"Why can't cow walk donwstairs?"

Weird fact tonight. I don't know which are more weird, the cow who can go upstairs but can go downstairs or down the hill, or me whom search for this explanation. Okay, here goes the story. Cow is a mammal that can go uphil or upstairs, but apparently, they can't go back to their first place, down stairs or downhill. There is a logical explanation for this. (really, i feel weirder than before...)

Now walking up, most of the weight of cow's body is down and back, and their knees bend helping them push themself up.
Now walking down, most of the weight is on their front legs, and their knees bend and point down the stairs, and with all the weight and the very real possibility that they could tumble down frontwards. They have four feet and must 'look down' when walking over an 'obstacle' ... that would throw their 'balance' off and they'd fall. A few horses can walk down stairs, but it takes contstant training and reinforcement, and most can't do it at all. They also can't walk up stairs (even those few who can walk down them) ... stairs are a 'human invention' because human feet are made longer and 'flatter' and have skin all over them, so when we are climbing up or down we want something fairly 'flat' to put both our feet and hands on ... when we realized that we don't 'slide backwards or forwards' with 'breaks' in the slope we invented stairs.

Think of it as you would a child, kids will first start to climb up steps, but getting them to go down takes a lot of patience and care by the parents, till they learn to walk down.

really...really not important...
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March 01, 2010

Veda #60 : Greenland

Greenland, the largest island in the world, is just about the most ungreen place on earth! Most of this island, is continually covered with ice and snow.

This ice sheet is two miles thick in some places. There are no forests in Greenland, but there are some trees, shrubs, and mosses in the southern part and along the coasts.

Then how did this cold, bleak land get its name? In 982, a Scandinavian explorer named Eric the Red sailed to Greenland and spent three years there. When he returned home, he called the land he had seen "Greenland" in the hope of convincing some of his followers to settle there. Eric later returned to Greenland to found a colony there.

Greenland has only one person for every 17 square miles!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...! Read More

February 28, 2010

Veda #59 : Yaaaawn...

Day 59
"Why do we yawn, and why other people start yawning if someone is yawning in front of them?"
Okay, like usual. Late night post, i'm yawning so much because it's already late. Most of you probably already knew that if we yawn, it's a sign that our brain is lacking oxygen. So medically, yawning is not a sign of sleepy. But did you know why if we yawn, some other people that sees us will start yawning too? (although it's not whole people, but it's much more likely they'll yawn too)

One is that when we are bored or tired, we just don't breathe as deeply as we usually do. As this theory goes, our bodies take in less oxygen because our breathing has slowed. Therefore, yawning helps us bring more oxygen into the blood and move more carbon dioxide out of the blood.
Yawning, then, would be an involuntary reflex (something we can't really control) to help us control our oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. Sounds good, but other studies have shown that breathing more oxygen does not decrease yawning. Likewise, breathing more carbon dioxide does not increase yawning. Hmmm. Now what?

Another theory is that yawning stretches the lungs and lung tissue. Stretching and yawning may be a way to flex muscles and joints, increase heart rate, and feel more awake.

Other people believe that yawning is a protective reflex to redistribute the oil-like substance called surfactant that helps keep lungs lubricated inside and keeps them from collapsing. So, if we didn't yawn, according to this theory, taking a deep breath would become harder and harder, and that would not be good

But there is one idea about yawning that everyone knows to be true. It seems contagious. If you yawn in room, you'll probably notice a few other people will start yawning, too. Even thinking about yawning can get you yawning. No one knows for sure, but a study published in a recent issue of the journal Cognitive Brain Research theorizes that yawning in response to someone else’s yawn may be an empathetic response, similar to laughter.

How many times have you yawned while reading this article?
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February 27, 2010

Veda #58 : Red Eye

Day 58
"Why do we often see "red-eye" on flash photograph?what is red eye?"

We've all see photographs where the people in the picture have bright red eyes. These are photos taken at night with a flash. Where do the red eyes come from?

The red color comes from light that reflects off of the retinas in our eyes. In many animals, including dogs, cats and deer, the retina has a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum that acts almost like a mirror at the backs of their eyes. If you shine a flashlight or headlights into their eyes at night, their eyes shine back with bright, white light.
Humans don't have this tapetum lucidum layer in their retinas. If you shine a flashlight in a person's eyes at night, you don't see any sort of reflection. The flash on a camera is bright enough, however, to cause a reflection off of the retina -- what you see is the red color from the blood vessels nourishing the eye.

Now, many cameras have a "red eye reduction" feature. In these feature, the camera's flash goes off twice, once right before the picture is taken, and then again to actually take the picture. The first flash causes people's pupils to contract, reducing "red eye" significantly.
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Veda #57 : Chickenpox VS Cold

Day 57
"Why did we get chicken pox only once, but we might encounter cold or flu several times?"

Most of you probably had chicken pox when you was a little kid. If now you see any people got chicken pox, you're free from worries of having that disease again, because you know that it won't do you any harm again. why did that happen?it's just not like flu or cod that can strike us all over and over again.

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. People who get the virus often develop a rash of spots that look like blisters all over their bodies. The blisters are small and sit on an area of red skin that can be anywhere from the size of a pencil eraser to the size of a dime.

When you get sick, your white blood cells fight the harmful germs with special germ killers called antibodies. White cells manufacture antibodies for each particular sickness, so if you have chicken pox, your white blood cells make chicken pox antibodies. After you are recovered, these antibodies stay in your blood and keep killing any chicken pox viruses that get into your body. That is why you can’t get chicken pox twice. You have become immune to it. You've probably heard that chickenpox are itchy. It's true. The illness also may come along with a runny nose and cough. But the good news is that chickenpox is a common illness for kids and most people get better by just resting like you do with a cold or the flu.

It's very rare case, but actually chicken pox will do harm to you twice, if the first one was happened too mild. That's why many eldest group their kids if one of them having a chicken pox, to infect all of them. Because having chicken pox on age 20 and more is considered dangerous and deadly. Most adults who get chickenpox are immunosuppressed meaning that their immune systems aren't functioning properly.

In the same way, when you get a cold from a cold virus, your body makes antibodies to fight that particular cold virus. You can never get a cold from that particular kind of virus again. However, since there are more than 200 different kinds of viruses that can cause colds, a new cold virus can enter your body and you will not have antibodies in your blood to fight it. Then you will get another cold.
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February 25, 2010

Veda #56 : Chicken Or Egg?

Day 56
"Which comes first?chicken or egg?"

This is a classic question and the answer could be neither of them comes first.
but let's take a look at this possibilities below. This wasn't purposed to makes you more confused, but just think these reasons as a possible and logical reasons. At least this can help you argue with your friend.

if you answered : The Chicken!
  • Using literature, the chicken comes first.
  • Using grammar, "the chicken" comes first in the sentence (They come before the words, "the egg.")
  • In a dictionary, the word "chicken" comes before "egg."
  • The answer is the chicken: God created all the animals and not all the eggs. It's easy because for those that believe in Him God made animals not eggs. The chicken because God wouldn't just put a egg on the earth and even if he did nothing would warm the egg for it to hatch.
  • The chicken... it had to be. Creatures in the sea evolved and they didn't evolve into eggs now, did they?
  • The chicken. It has to be around to lay the egg.
  • In the seven days that God created the earth, it makes no mention of animals' eggs. Thus, the chicken came first.
  • I say that the chicken came first because the chicken was made before the egg because God made all the animals first and birds and etc..... so the chicken came first before the egg, the eggs came when a male(rooster) and a female chicken repopulate with each other.
  • The chicken came first because, if the chicken didn't come first, there would be no egg or care for it. So, God had to make the chicken first.
  • If you are an evolutionist, you probably think that the chicken evolved from a dinosaur or something. But the chicken came first; if you think about it, how was the chicken alive before the egg...

If your answer is : The Egg!
  • The answer is the egg! For an animal to change, its genetics would have to change also and this is impossible. Therefore the change would have to take place as an embryo or egg. So the first chicken was most likely spawned in prehistoric times as an embryo/egg. Concluding that the first living organism had to come from the form of an egg or embryo.
  • The egg would have come first laid from another animal when it was hatched it was that animal but had to move its habitat so it had to adjust and became the chicken.
  • Theoretically, the egg must come first. A chicken is conceived and born in an egg; therefore, without the egg the chicken could not have been either conceived or born, it may be that the egg was the product of two different species accidentally mating to conceive the egg that contained the first, "chicken" as we know it. the egg came first, think about it logically, instead of trying to question it, there is no other logical/practical conclusion.
  • The egg came first. Two animals who really liked each other and were not the same breed, mated and the female laid an egg and it came out a chicken. They didn't know what to call it so they just named it chicken. Therefore the chicken is a crossbreed. I don't know what between though.
  • The egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs for millions of years before chickens were present on Earth.
  • The egg came first because other animals came before the chicken that had eggs of some kind. One kind are the fish in the seas; fish lay eggs. Another are snakes; snakes also lay eggs.
  • A chicken could not have its genetic material altered during life, so the egg must have evolved and been first.
  • If you take into account the doctrine of evolution, the egg's coming first becomes plausible on the cellular level under perfect circumstances (abundant food and resources). There will be an asexual reproduction once the environment becomes unfavorable. The species would then evolve, and a lot of animals have no parental instincts but through evolution some have started to look after their young.
  • An asexual reproduction is reproduction in which there is no fusion of male and female sex cells gametes.
  • The egg came first because the chicken descended from a dinosaur, and it laid an egg that was changed from Darwin's theory.
  • The egg came first because a chicken comes from an egg. At whatever point you decide to call the chicken a true chicken, it must have come from an egg. Because the different species before it must have evolved to make a chicken, the egg came first.

If you prefer peaceful life and answer : Neither!
  • Isn't it both? Because the chicken would have to teach the chick how to do stuff and the egg to reproduce the chickens.
  • The chickens most recent ancestor laid the egg. Think of it this way: along the slow and steady evolution from single celled organisms to full fledged modern chickens, at some point, if you could observe every animal in that evolutionary line, you would have to say, "well, this one's not a chicken, but the next one is." The line simply must be drawn somewhere. So whatever egg that the first chicken hatched from would have come first!
  • There is no final answer but the most reasonable conclusion is that a certain breed of dinosaur laid an egg, then a period of extremely cold weather preserved the egg. Whilst that occurred the egg genetic form was rearranged into a creature similar to the chicken. At first the animal could have been very different from the chicken we know today but over time it changed into the chicken form we are so familiar with today.
  • Neither the chicken, nor the egg came first. It was the rooster that came first.
  • The egg and the chicken came at the same time. The chicken and the egg are just two different names for the same process or being. It's like water on its way to becoming ice is still water, and vice versa.
  • Chicken. Read your Question again you will come to know why.
  • Darwin's theory; the chicken egg came from a different species.
  • There is no answer. Since the question is a paradox, there is no answer. If the chicken came first, it came from the egg. If the egg came first, then it came from a chicken, and so forth.
  • Evolution suggests that both chickens and eggs evolved from creatures and "egg-things" you would not recognize to be part of the lineage. (Similar to how, in the very distant past, some molecule[s] that was [were] not what we would call "life" became "life".) That was the beginning.
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February 24, 2010

Veda #55 : OK

Day 55
"What is OK?and why do people understand it as good meaning?"

Most people all over the world, even if they do not understand English, understand and use the American expression “OK.” Nobody knows for sure exactly where or when that expression became part of our language, but there are several possible sources that are accepted.

The earliest claimed usage of okay is a 1790 court record from Sumner County, Tennessee, discovered in 1859 by a Tennessee historian named Albigence Waldo Putnam, in which Andrew Jackson apparently said:
"proved a bill of sale from Hugh McGary to Gasper Mansker, for a Negro man, which was O.K."
However, the record is hand-written rather than printed, and James Parton's 1860 biography of Jackson suggested that it is really a poorly written "O.R.," which was the abbreviation used for "Ordered Recorded".

Some believe that “OK” may have come from the Choctaw Indian word okeh, which means “it is so, and no other way". Others believe that the expression originated with Andrew Jackson, the 7th president of the United States. Jackson was considered one of the least educated of all the American presidents, having left school at the age of 13 to fight in the Revolutionary War. The story goes that Jackson thought “OK” was an abbreviation of “Oll Kurrect,” which was his spelling of “All Correct.”

In the United States and much of Europe a related gesture is made by touching the index finger with the thumb (forming a rough circle) and raising of the remaining fingers (to form a 'K')
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February 23, 2010

Veda #54 : Million Dollar Book

Day 54
"What is the most expensive comic book?"

Many people read comic books growing up as kids, but a certain few retain their passion and become meticulous collectors of expensive comic books. Other people think of comic books as juvenile superhero fantasies, but modern comic books, manga and graphic novels are beginning to change this perception. What is the most expensive comic book in the world?

Any serious comic book collector can tell you that the world’s most expensive comic book is DC’s Action Comics #1 (1938). Written by Jerry Siegel and illustrated by Joe Shuster, this book contained our first 12-page glimpse of the iconic superhero– Superman. One may wonder why this comic would outsell, say, the first appearance of Spider-Man, especially considering the recent success of the Spider-Man movie franchise and the box office flop that marked Superman’s return to Hollywood. The answer lies not in the fact that Action Comics #1 contains the first appearance of Superman, but that it contains the first appearance of the superhero.
All of the stereotypical devices of the superhero genre are combined for the first time in this issue; superpowers, secret identities, pseudo-scientific origins and, yes, even tights. Ultimately, it was the same combination that we still see today, to some extent, in the immensely successful Batman, X-Men and Spider-Man franchises.

The price you asked?
first time published on 1938 it's around 10 cents. now? around $350.000, and some rumors said that the current owner just turned down an offer of $1.000.000
so ladies and gentlemen, start to preserve your comic books, maybe in less than 100 years, you'll gonna be a millionaire...haha
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February 22, 2010

Veda #53 : It's Autumn

Day 53
"Why do leaves change it's color at autumn season?"

Often we saw at the road, how leaves change it's color from green to brownish, and then it started to fall. It is a sign of cold or winter or rainy season came close. How did the leaves change it's color?

Leaves are actually little “factories” that manufacture food to help the plant grow. In the spring and summer, these system running, taking in carbon dioxide from the air and water from their roots. Then sunlight enters the leaf and sets the system in motion. But a leaf could not begin its manufacturing process without a chemical already present in its cells. That chemical is chlorophyll, which also gives the leaf its green color. There are other colors present, too, in most leaves (red, orange, yellow, purple), but they have been hidden by the green of the chlorophyll.

When the fall comes, bringing cold weather, the veins in the leaf, which once brought water to it, become blocked. This causes the chlorophyll to break down and stop its job of keeping the leaf green. Then the reds, oranges, yellows, and purples appear.
The color that each tree turns in the fall depends on the hidden pigment, or coloring matter, present in the leaf: xanthophyll, for the yellows; carotene, for the oranges; and anthocyanin, for the reds and purples.
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February 21, 2010

Veda #52 : Nine Lives Cat

Day 52
"Why did the term "a cat has nine lives" came from?"

Old-saying, often the cat is said to have 9 lives, because it's very hard to die, throw it upside down, and it'll land with its feet. Left it on the street, it'll find it's way back home (or if not, it'll survive, believe me). This "survival" ability makes the cat hard to die. But did it really have 9 lives?

Most cats live for about 14 years, although some have been known to live to the age of 30 and even beyond. The myth that a cat has 9 lives probably came about because of its ability to escape from many dangerous situations without harm. Cats have good memories, keen eyesight, and exceptional senses of smell and hearing. These combine with their swiftness and agility to help them out of danger. So even though a cat may escape with its life many times, it still lives only once, just as any other animal.

Speaking of agility, the cat can run for about 30mph/hours, nearly as fast as standard traffic car's speed.
And if we speak about exceptional senses, did you know that some cats could predict death? as happened in one of the hospital. Oscar, a cat adopted by the staff of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I., has at least 25 successful predictions, in which patients died hours after the cat sat down by their beds. This was caused by people who are dying emit certain chemicals that aren't detectable by other humans but that may pique cat's heightened sense of smell.

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February 20, 2010

Veda #51 : Magenta

Day 51
"What is magenta color?and why did it named magenta?"

Colors play a significant role in our life. Every color has an expressive element that reflects our emotional flows, such as passion, celebration, and sorrow. In press industry, we also recognize 4 type of basic colors : Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (black, because it is the tkey color to create the hue of each color). Tonight we're gonna talk about Magenta, a purplish-pink color. Did you know that the name Magenta was actually came from bloody history?

The Battle of Magenta was fought on June 4, 1859 during the Franco-Piedmontese war against Austria, resulting in a French victory under Louis-Napoleon against the Austrians under General Gyulai . It took place near the town of Magenta in northern Italy on June 4, 1859.

After the battle was over, the plant that provides a dye called fushina, got mixed with the red from the blood. The combination of purple fushina and the dried blood are used by French's chemist to explain the color of the dried blood of the soldiers. To memorize those event, Magenta was used to pronounce the new color.

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February 19, 2010

Veda #50 : Say Something Sweet To The Left Ear

Day 50
"Is that true that if we want to say something sweet, we better say it from the left ear?"

We heard so many sounds and noises everyday, not forget to mention people's speaking. Many expression we could hear every time, announcing happy news or bad news, apologizing, proposing someone, break up, and so on. Amazingly, our ears have each unique characteristics for hearing the sounds.

If you want to reveal that you love someone, you should say it to them through their left ear. Someone will be more visible because of emotional words such as “love”, if they heard it through their left ear. It is revealed in a study conducted by psychologists at Sam Houston State University, Texas. This means that if something is better heard through the right ear, they tend to be easier to forget. The researchers say that this study result can be explained by the fact that the left ear is controlled by the right brain, which is responsible for emotional things.

But, if you want to get someone to do something, ask them in their right ear, say scientists. Italian researchers found people were better at processing information when requests were made on that side in three separate tests. They believe this is because the left side of the brain, which is known to be better at processing requests, deals with information from the right ear. This test has been ran to 160 clubbers, the scientist ask them for a cigarrete, and most of the people asked through the right ear, are responded positively by giving a cigarette.

The other side of the brain is more involved in things such as interpreting emotion.
To put it in simple way, if you want to say something sweet and emotional, say it through the left ear, whil if you seek an apologize or trying to persuade someone (apologizing, in example) say it through the right side of the ear.
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February 18, 2010

Veda #49 : Ambidexterity

Day 49
"What is Ambidexterity?"

Often we saw people writing or doing something with their left hand primarily. But there were some peoples that could using their both hands to do the different things at the same time. This rare skill is called Ambidexterity. different than left handed person that sometimes could use their right hand, ambidextruous person could use both of their hands to do different things fluently.

Ambidexterity is the state of being equally adept in the use of both right and left appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross-dominance. People that are born ambidextrous are extremely rare. People that are made ambidextrous are called Penwald ambidextrous; they can also stop being both-handed. The word literally means "both right handed"; in other words, you are as good with the left hand as you are with your right hand.

Although not all scientists agree on the answer, many believe that most people’s brains develop more on one side than on the other. And since the left side of your brain controls the muscles on the right side of your body, and the right side of your brain controls the muscles on the left side of your body, this would influence the muscles in your hands as well.

Therefore, if the left side of your brain is more developed, then you are right landed. If the right side of your brain is more developed, then you are left-handed. If, however, your brain is equally developed on both sides, you are ambidextrous, you can use one hand as well as the other.

In a right-handed person, the right hand is usually larger than the left because its muscles have developed more.
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February 17, 2010

Veda #48 : Bridesgroom And Bridesmaid

Day 48
"What is bridesgrooms and bridesmaids function?"

At every wedding, we usually see a couple or more peoples dressing looks just like the groom and the bride. Yes, there are called bridegrooms and bridemaids. The couples vary from 2 to 10 persons. What actually their purposes?

This is a little bit superstitious actually.
Old Roman law required ten witnesses at every wedding to make it legal. But because these ancient people were highly superstitious, they believed that evil spirits envied the happiness of the bride and groom. So they had several of these witnesses dress exactly like the bride and groom to confuse the evil spirits and prevent them from discovering which two people were being married and on which two people to cast their evil eyes.

In Victorian wedding photographs, for example, the bride and groom are frequently dressed in the same fashion as other members of the bridal party.
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February 16, 2010

Veda #47 : It's Getting Higher

Day 47
"Did you know Mount Everest is getting higher each year?how is that possible?"

Mount Everest, the highest point on earth with height of 8850 metres above sea level. Note that, the latest measurement is 8850m, but let's take a quick look at earlier 1856, the Everest measurement was "only" 8839m. The latest research told that Everest is getting higher with average speed 4mm/years. how did this possible?

Everest, as part of the Himalayan Mountains, they were formed in the last few million years. After the supercontinent of Laurasia broke up millions of years ago, India moved slowly north towards Asia and then crashed into it. The seabed between the two plates (the earth's crust is divided into large areas of land called plates) was crumbled and pushed up on the northern rim of India to form mountains. These two plates of the earth's crust are still moving, so the Himalayas are being pushed up higher, and India is moving northward with it.
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February 15, 2010

Veda #46 : Bath Time

Day 46
"How does soap makes our body clean?"

Just for your information, today Banjar is very hot with high humidity. So it mean : hot weather, and the solution is to take more bath. It clean our body and refresh the skin, but how does it makes our body clean?

Water alone may remove some of the dirt from the surface of your skin, soap added to the water does get you cleaner.

If you looked at a cross-section of your skin under a microscope, you would see that it has many hollow areas, or valleys, where particles of grease and dirt can become embedded. Water alone may get under the dirt and push some of it out, but when that water hits grease, it will simply sit on top of it in a bubble or just roll off.

But add soap to that very same water and you have a completely different action. The action of mixing soap into water pumps air into the water and forces it to spread out as it creates bubbles. A bubble is actually a balloon of air with a thin outer covering of soap and water.

While bubbles seem to be very delicate and weak things, they actually work like dozens of strong magnets. Just as magnets pull tacks towards them, soap bubbles-pick up dirt and pull it away from the skin. Then the dirty bubbles are carried away in the rinse water, leaving your skin clean
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February 14, 2010

Veda #45 : The Most Expensive Food

Day 45
"What is the most expensive food in the world?"

If you think caviar is the expensive food,it's true. But if we're gonna talk about the most expensive one, truffle is the winners. Although some truffles are just the size of a pea, while others are as big as an orange, they're very valuable. These black fungi grow in parts of France and Italy. They are used most often in small amounts to give a flavor to certain dishes, especially sauces. It's a good thing that truffles are used in small amounts, because they are the single most expensive food item in the world. Truffles usually cost more than $200 a pound.

Truffles grow underground, and are very hard to find. Farmers use trained pigs to locate truffles. The pigs sniff around until they pick up the scent of a truffle, then begin to dig. The farmer chases the pig away and digs up the truffle for himself. If he's not fast enough, though, the pig will dig up the truffle and eat it. And at $200 a pound, that's an expensive meal for a pig!

Though truffles are the most expensive food in the world, they have no vitamins or other nutritional value!
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Veda #44 : Mount It From The Left

Day 44
"Why do if we want to mount the horse, we should do it from the left side?"

The custom of mounting a horse from the left side has really nothing to do with the horse's preference.

The custom probably began hundreds of years ago when men wore long swords on their belts. A man's sword hung down his left leg, making it easier for him to pull it out quickly with his right hand. Because of the sword's position, it was easier for the rider to throw his right leg across the horse's back. That way, the sword wouldn't interfere with the rider's leg as he mounted.

Even though riders today do not wear swords, the custom has lasted through the years, and when horses are trained, they are trained to accept riders mounting from the left. A rider mounting from the right could confuse or startle the animal.
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February 12, 2010

Veda #43 : Tall And Short

Day 43
"Why some of humans are short and compact while the others are tall and lean?"

Some of us are short or tall and it all has to do with the genetics of our parents. But apparently, there are new excuses for that matter. There is an effect of climate in which hundreds of generations of their people have spent their lives.

People who have lived in the cold climate of the Arctic need to save every bit of heat their bodies can produce. The more skin they have, the more heat they will lose.
That's why Eskimos are normally short, with short legs and short arms. They have less body surface than most other humans and can stay warmer in their cold climate.

People who live in very hot places must be able to lose body heat, or they would be too warm. That's why most Africans tend to be tall, with long arms and long legs.
This gives them a great deal of body surface through which their extra body heat can escape.

This is based on natural cases, not height that caused by sport and therapies.
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February 11, 2010

Veda #42 : Life In My Hometown

Day 42
"How is it like to live in Banjar?"

The electricity ALWAYS went out once every two days,7pm - 12pm. Period.

Additional note : and I can't browse using my blackberry...the signal sucks!
Mati lampu + udara panas + susah konek = darah tinggi
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February 10, 2010

Veda #41 : It Was Really A Fairy Tale

Day 41
"What were cinderella's shoes made from?"

Okay so this is a warning. If you don't believe or don't care too much about the fairy tale,please go on. But if you really love the cinderella fairy tale, I suggest you stop reading,or read at your own risk. Cause tonight we're gonna reveal the truth about cinderella's glass shoes.

Most of you probably knew about cinderella's story. To tell long story short, A poor girl, tortured by her step mother and step sisters, imagining to live in the big castle, met with the mother fairy because of her patience, and so on and so on. Until the time she left one of her glass shoe. And the curious prince search the entire region just to find the owner of the shoe.

Okay, did the glass shoe really made from glass?
Here's the interesting thing. It actually wasn't made of glass according to the original story.
The standard explanation for cinderella's famous footwear is that it is the result of a mistranslation, someone having mistaken pantoufle de vair (fur slipper) for pantoufle de verre (glass slipper) when making an English version of Charles Perrault's Histoires ou contes du temps passé avec des moralités (1697). The title of Perrault's collection in English, Stories or Tales of Olden Times with Morals.
But in some other versions from another country, some said that it was made from silk, gold, and crystal.
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February 09, 2010

Veda #40 : More Than Words

Day 40
"Uniqueness in english language"

We've probably knew about interesting facts about english language. Let's take an example with "stewardesses",it's a longest word in english that can be typed with left hand only.
Or "typewriter", the english word that can be typed with only the letters from top row.

Now,with only 26 letters in alphabet, the combination to form words in english can be interesting. Here's some of them you might didn't know :
1. AEGILOPS, is the longest word with letters in alphabetical order. It means goat grass
2. QUEUING, is the word that has the longest run of vowels.
3. SWIMS, is the longest word with 180 degree symmetry.
4. STRESSED and DESSERTS, are the longest words that can be reversed.
5. ESOPHAGOGRAPHERS, is the longest word in which all letters appear twice.
6. STRENGHTS, is the longest word that only has one vowel.
7. DERMATOGLYPHICS, is the longest word without a repeating letter.
8. LACHSTRING, is the word with the longest run of consonants.
9. SCREECHED, is the longest word that could be read and pronounciated with one syllable.
10. HONORIFICABILITUDINITATIBUS, is the longest word that alternate consonants and vowels
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February 08, 2010

Veda #39 : TIP

Day 39
"What is tipping?"

Whenever we eat at the resturant,or after using somebody's service, we usually handed over small amount of money in exchange for the good services we've received. This is called "tipping". Who knows that "tip" actually has its own story?

A tip (also called a gratuity) is a payment made to certain service workers in addition to the price of the transaction. The amount of a tip is typically calculated as a percentage of the transaction value before applicable taxes. Usually given as a token of gratitude for the good services received.

"Tip" (or often called "tips") is often said to be an acronym of:
. To Insure Promptness.
. To Insure Performance.
. To Improve Performance.
. To Insure Prompt Service.
. To Insure Proper Service.

The 1895 New York (NY) Tribune published an etymology of the word "tip" stating that an old time English tavern had box for coins, which was written the words "To Insure Promptness.". The purpose of this coin is a "reward" for the bartender and the waiter/waitress for their good service and friendly responses.

The word "tip" is cited since the 1700s as a form of the word "tip" (meaning "to give" or "to hand" or "pass" or "to let one have").
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February 07, 2010

Veda #38 : Feather Is Heavier Than Gold

Day 38
"If we measure 1 kg of feathers, and 1 kg of gold, which one is heavier?"

Simple and classic question, if we measure the same amounts of feathers and golds, or any other things, which one is heavier?.
Most of you probably answer it with confident that they are same in weight.
Now, think again.

It appears that there were another measuring equation to each items. Take it for example, 1kg of feathers compared with 1kg of solid gold,which one is heavier?
The answer is feathers.how so?
1kg of feathers are measured with "avoirdupois" metrics, where 1kilo of feathers equal with 907gram.
When 1kg of gold always measured with "troy" metrics, where 1kilo of gold is "only" 680 gram.
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February 06, 2010

Veda #37 : Poisonous Vegetable (?)

Day 37
"Is it true that if we re-heat spinaches,it'll become poisonous?"

Some of you maybe ever heard a "fact" about spinach, that if spinach-based meal reheated, it'll become poisonous later. Although I've never been heard about death case because spinach poisoning, but did this really true?

Well,to answer this myth, first we need to know basic compositions from spinach. Actually,spinach consist more of fibres,vitamins,and minerals rather than protein,fat,and carb.
Consuming one small bowl of spinaches, could fulfill daily need of vitamin A and about 15% of daily vitamin C needed by your body.
Spinaches also consist of mineral such as kalium to help neutralize acid inside your body and cells.

Now we know that spinach consist more of vitamins and minerals, those that very sensitive to heat. So if we re-heat the spinaches, of course they'll left no vitamins and minerals again.
It's just like eating something that aren't have any good effects on our body.
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February 05, 2010

Veda #36 : Ugly Handwriting

Day 36
"Why do most of doctors have a terrible non-human handwriting?"

You probably have ever gone to see a doctor, or at least go to pharmacy to take the medicine that prescribed for you. Take a look, or remember what it's like to see the prescription and the doctor's handwriting. It's so ugly and most of the time, it's not readable. But amazingly, the pharmachists were able to read and gave the right medicine prescribed, complete with the dosages. Why do most of the doctors have a completely unreadable handwriting?

Okay, so before you thought that they've been teached to write badly at medical school, doctors do not have bad handwriting, they just choose to write badly. This is not a conscious decision to confuse people, but an unintentional consequence of viewing other things as more important or urgent in the moment. In this case, the patient's health and other patient's health also, and the much more important is to putting all energy into diagnosis and treatment concerns.

This bad handwriting also has something to do with medical records and doctors not wishing their patients to be able to read the entries in theirs. The other and more interesting aspect is prescriptions and the era prior to the 1960s. Before that time there were both fewer stock prepared drugs and more custom compounded medicines, often using the doctor's favored remedies. The combination of poor handwriting, Latin and abbreviations of Latin kept the patient from knowing what exactly they were taking, and trying to make their own medication (that of course, will caused something unexpected to happen if they read it and interpreted it by themselves).

But a more simple fact that actually could be put into consideration,after all the years of taking notes quickly in medical school, the handwriting got messier and messier. :p
How did the pharmacist able to read this messy handwriting?it's simple, usually at the beginning of the sentences, there were actually 2-3 letters that are correct, the rest usually concluded by the pharmacist through year and years of learning medicine.
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