"Why did the term "a cat has nine lives" came from?"

Old-saying, often the cat is said to have 9 lives, because it's very hard to die, throw it upside down, and it'll land with its feet. Left it on the street, it'll find it's way back home (or if not, it'll survive, believe me). This "survival" ability makes the cat hard to die. But did it really have 9 lives?
Most cats live for about 14 years, although some have been known to live to the age of 30 and even beyond. The myth that a cat has 9 lives probably came about because of its ability to escape from many dangerous situations without harm. Cats have good memories, keen eyesight, and exceptional senses of smell and hearing. These combine with their swiftness and agility to help them out of danger. So even though a cat may escape with its life many times, it still lives only once, just as any other animal.
Speaking of agility, the cat can run for about 30mph/hours, nearly as fast as standard traffic car's speed.
And if we speak about exceptional senses, did you know that some cats could predict death? as happened in one of the hospital. Oscar, a cat adopted by the staff of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I., has at least 25 successful predictions, in which patients died hours after the cat sat down by their beds. This was caused by people who are dying emit certain chemicals that aren't detectable by other humans but that may pique cat's heightened sense of smell.

wiii kucingnya lucu mennnn...... yg bawah endut lagi..
err cat's not supposed to be in the hospital rite??
ini bukan di rumah sakit kayak e Em...
tapi sejenis panti perawatan orang usia lanjut di amrik sono :)
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