"What is bridesgrooms and bridesmaids function?"

At every wedding, we usually see a couple or more peoples dressing looks just like the groom and the bride. Yes, there are called bridegrooms and bridemaids. The couples vary from 2 to 10 persons. What actually their purposes?
This is a little bit superstitious actually.
Old Roman law required ten witnesses at every wedding to make it legal. But because these ancient people were highly superstitious, they believed that evil spirits envied the happiness of the bride and groom. So they had several of these witnesses dress exactly like the bride and groom to confuse the evil spirits and prevent them from discovering which two people were being married and on which two people to cast their evil eyes.

In Victorian wedding photographs, for example, the bride and groom are frequently dressed in the same fashion as other members of the bridal party.
wah.. iyo ta? pake acara mistis2 barang?
weks kok serem sejarahe yaa...
tp kalo ada banyak bridesgroom and bridesmaid.. yang pasti.. foto2e pasti jadi lebih apik! *sudut pandang Freyja* wakakakkaka *gayaa*
itu kan cuma kepercayaan orang jaman dulu...
buat ngerame2in pesta...kasian kan kalo ga ada yang datang
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