"Did you know Mount Everest is getting higher each year?how is that possible?"

Mount Everest, the highest point on earth with height of 8850 metres above sea level. Note that, the latest measurement is 8850m, but let's take a quick look at earlier 1856, the Everest measurement was "only" 8839m. The latest research told that Everest is getting higher with average speed 4mm/years. how did this possible?
Everest, as part of the Himalayan Mountains, they were formed in the last few million years. After the supercontinent of Laurasia broke up millions of years ago, India moved slowly north towards Asia and then crashed into it. The seabed between the two plates (the earth's crust is divided into large areas of land called plates) was crumbled and pushed up on the northern rim of India to form mountains. These two plates of the earth's crust are still moving, so the Himalayas are being pushed up higher, and India is moving northward with it.
i see...
8850 itu ademe sakpiro ya?
bromo itu brp ketinggiannya nop?
wah bromo 2329 meter diatas permukaan laut...wes adem e sakngono...
iki 4 kali lipatnya...hahaha
hahaha,, amsiong..
mlungker ae men.. XD
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