"What is the most expensive comic book?"

Any serious comic book collector can tell you that the world’s most expensive comic book is DC’s Action Comics #1 (1938). Written by Jerry Siegel and illustrated by Joe Shuster, this book contained our first 12-page glimpse of the iconic superhero– Superman. One may wonder why this comic would outsell, say, the first appearance of Spider-Man, especially considering the recent success of the Spider-Man movie franchise and the box office flop that marked Superman’s return to Hollywood. The answer lies not in the fact that Action Comics #1 contains the first appearance of Superman, but that it contains the first appearance of the superhero.

The price you asked?
first time published on 1938 it's around 10 cents. now? around $350.000, and some rumors said that the current owner just turned down an offer of $1.000.000
so ladies and gentlemen, start to preserve your comic books, maybe in less than 100 years, you'll gonna be a millionaire...haha
masi kusimpen baek majalah bobo dan komik doraemonkuuuuu ^^
lo ini ada d koran kan?
liat tanggalnya dooong...hahaha
aku lebih update sehari lebih cepet drpd koran hari ini hahaha
jgn2 isi blogku dipake oleh koran...
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