"Do you know what is the rain's smell?"

The smell of rain in the dry grounds officially called Petrichor. More specifically, petrichor is the pleasant smell that often accompanies the first rain after a long period of dry weather. It was named by two Australian researchers, who discovered that the smell is an oily essence emitted from rocks or soils. The oil is a complicated mixture of at least fifty different compounds, rather like a perfume. (i wonder if it is gonna be a hot selling item if there are actually a perfume makers who want to make petrichor as their fragrance)

The word comes from Greek petros, a stone, plus ichor, from the Greek word for the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods. So next time you're gonna say "i love the smell of rains", say this instead : "I love the smell of petrichor".
there, you're officially sounds way better, plus 10 for you. :))
lak yo creepy.....
hmm.. i love the smell of petrichor..... i sound so harry potter lo nop... :)) wakakakakak
kamu membuatnya terdengar seperti : "i love the smell of Dementor lo nop..."
salahmu iki!
err..susah ya ngomong petrichor.. since i'm not a science lover, so.. i will just calling it the smell of the rain :D
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